I haven't written in awhile. Finally have some vacation time, and among the relaxation (ahh) I've had time to read a bit of "what's out there." I am simply floored by the level of vitriol I am seeing leveled at the new President. Over here in Bishop, the bloom is definitely off the rose. Probably that way in my hometown too.
Used to be that we could disagree like gentle-men and -women. Like we still had a
tad of the founding fathers' rationalism left in us. But, from my experience, such expectations are now beyond the pale. Is this what the right really wants? Seems these super-patriots are pretty much willing to pull down any new ideas. From a prominent right-side thinker (Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard):
President Obama is the master of misdirection. His skill in using this tactic is a key to his success as a candidate and to his popularity as president. He is a great salesman, marketing his product--the liberal agenda, plus a few add-ons--in a manner that disguises what he's really up to.
or this:
You don't have to be an old Washington hand to spot the telltale signs of a presidency and an administration in serious trouble. There's nothing new about these clues. The inability to get their stories straight--that's a hardy perennial of high-level officials caught in the vise of political embarrassment. A president who skips town to avoid the White House press corps and speak directly to the American people--we've sure seen that before. So in a sense the AIG mess has touched off nothing more than business as usual.
This stuff is from a thinking opposition. The folks in the street are much more direct. I've sampled opinion over here and let me tell you: Obama has
already failed if you listen to them. I bet these feelings are even more common in E-town.
Look, I know people are frustrated by the economy. But man, its a huge problem left to us by years and years of
conservative political rule. Is this payback for us "elitists" calling Bush and his cronies what they so self-evidently were: morons (best case) or criminals (most likely case)? At least we have somebody who is calling attention to the eight-hundred pound gorilla in the room: Our problems begin with US! Our cars are not competitive, we overconsume like crazy, and we don't care about the consequences of that...as long as we get what we "deserve." Is this freedom? Maybe the right wing
should retreat to their compound in MT and let someone else discuss the problem!
I will post when I am next home a picture of a large billboard outside of Etown advertising guns, including "California Legal AK's" for uses including "Tactical." (only one use for "tactical" weapons, and it isn't person-friendly) This stuff scares me. We are getting loud, arrogant, and ARMED! I hope cooler heads prevail, but doubt it seriously. You center-right folks out there: Take control of your party!