Sunday, September 20, 2009

In San Diego again

To see to my Dad. He just turned 89 years young-amazing guy. He is definitely showing signs of his age, and it's a bit hard to see. But he still is aware and active, just very very slow.

I've been trying to stay on the happy side of things but am finding that more of a challenge than it has been in many a year. The causes could be many, but the cures seem few. I am trying to keep from becoming cynical and mean-spirited, but man it can be hard. It's so easy to see the craven side, the empty grasping side of most people. In the past its been easy to balance these views by taking refuge in my work and my outdoor hobbies, but lately I am not finding the kind of joy in these that I have in the past.

I sense change in the wind. I hope it's change for the better.

1 comment:

Jeano said...

Happy birthday to your dad!! I hope you're visit was good. Enjoy your time with him!